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VM APIs Reference

Near Social VM provides a set of custom APIs that can be used by the widgets.

Custom objects:

  • Social - the SocialDB API.
  • State - the state updates API.
  • Near - the NEAR API.
  • clipboard - the clipboard API. (similar to navigator.clipboard)

Standard objects:

  • JSON - the JSON API.
  • Object - the Object API.
  • Date
  • console - the console API.
  • Math
  • Array
  • Number
  • Buffer
  • Audio
  • Image
  • File
  • Blob
  • FileReader
  • URL
  • Uint8Array
  • Map
  • Set

Imported objects:

  • Big - the big number API from the big.js library.
  • BN - the big number API from the bn.js library.

Near Social VM provides the list of custom React components:

  • Widget - the widget embedding component.
  • CommitButton - the commit button component.
  • IpfsImageUpload - the IPFS image upload component.
  • Markdown - the component to render Markdown based on npm package react-markdown.
  • InfiniteScroll - the component to render infinite scroll based on npm package react-infinite-scroller.
  • Typeahead - the component for text auto-complete and typeahead based on npm package react-bootstrap-typeahead.
  • Files - the component to input files with drag and drop support based on npm package react-files.
  • OverlayTrigger - the component to render Bootstrap's OverlayTrigger based on npm package react-bootstrap.
  • Tooltip - the component to render Bootstrap's tooltip based on npm package react-bootstrap.
  • styled - React's styled components

Social APIs

VM provides a convenient API to get data from the SocialDB contract. There are four methods:

  • Social.get
  • Social.getr
  • Social.keys
  • Social.index


This method fetches the data from the SocialDB contract by calling get and returns the data. If the path pattern is a single key, it will try to unwrap the object until the first wildcard.


While the data is fetching the returned value equals to null.


Social.get takes up to 3 arguments:

Nonerequiredobjectthe path pattern(s)
Noneoptionalobjectthe block height or finality
optionsoptionalobjectthe options object:
- subscribe (optional): if true, the data will be refreshed every 5 seconds.
- return_deleted (optional): whether to return deleted values (as null). Default is false.

Response Examples

For example, if the path pattern is mob.near/widget/*:

// add sample request code

If the path pattern is mob.near/widget/HelloWorld:

// add sample request code

Social.get takes up to 3 arguments:

  • (required) the path pattern(s)
  • (optional) the block height or finality
  • (optional) the options object
    • (optional) subscribe - if true, the data will be refreshed every 5 seconds.
    • (optional) return_deleted - whether to return deleted values (as null). Default is false.

It fetches the data from the SocialDB contract by calling get and returns the data. While the data is fetching the returned value equals to null. If the path pattern is a single key, it will try to unwrap the object until the first wildcard. For example, if the path pattern is mob.near/widget/*, the SocialDB contract will return the following object:

"mob.near": {
"widget": {
"HelloWorld": "return <div>Hello, World!</div>;",
"HelloUsername": "return <div>Hello, {props.username}!</div>;"

But the Social.get will unwrap the object and return the following:

"HelloWorld": "return <div>Hello, World!</div>;",
"HelloUsername": "return <div>Hello, {props.username}!</div>;"

Or if the path pattern is mob.near/widget/HelloWorld, the SocialDB contract will return the following object:

"mob.near": {
"widget": {
"HelloWorld": "return <div>Hello, World!</div>;"

But the Social.get will unwrap the object and return the actual value:

"return <div>Hello, World!</div>;"

It's helpful that you don't have to manually unwrap object.

The block height or finality can be used to get the data at a specific block height or finality. If the block height or finality is not specified, the data will be fetched at the optimistic finality (the latest block height).

For block height and finality final, instead of calling the NEAR RPC directly, the VM uses the Social API Server to fetch the data. Social API server indexes the data for SocialDB and allows to fetch the data at any block height with additional options. It also allows returning more data than an RPC call because it's not restricted by the gas limit. In general, the API server also serves data faster than the NEAR RPC, because it doesn't execute the contract code in a virtual machine.

Social.get options are similar to the SocialDB's get API.


Social.getr is just a wrapper helper for Social.get, it appends ** to each of the path pattern. For example, if the path pattern is mob.near/profile, Social.getr will call Social.get with the path pattern mob.near/profile/**.


Social.keys takes up to 3 arguments:

  • (required) the path pattern(s)
  • the block height or finality
  • (optional) the options object
    • (optional) subscribe - if true, the data will be refreshed every 5 seconds.
    • (optional) return_type - either "History", "True", or "BlockHeight". If not specified, it will return the "True".
    • (optional) return_deleted - whether to return deleted values (as null). Default is false.
    • (optional) values_only - whether to return only values (don't include objects). Default is false.

It calls the SocialDB's keys API and returns the data. While the data is fetching the returned value equals to null. The keys contract doesn't unwrap the object, so the returned data is the same as the SocialDB's keys API.

Note, the Social API server supports custom options return_type: "History". For each matching key, it will return an array containing all the block heights when the value was changed in ascending order. It can be used for building a feed, where the values are overwritten. For example:

const data = Social.keys(`${accountId}/post/meme`, "final", {
return_type: "History",


Social.index arguments:

  • action is the index_type from the standard, e.g. in the path index/like the action is like.
  • key is the inner indexed value from the standard.
  • (optional) options an object:
    • (optional) accountId. If given, it should either be a string or an array of account IDs to filter values by them. Otherwise, not filters by account Id.
    • (optional) order. Either asc or desc. Defaults to asc.
    • (optional) limit. Defaults to 100. The number of values to return. Index may return more than index values, if the last elements have the same block height.
    • (optional) from. Defaults to 0 or Max depending on order.

Returns the array of matched indexed values. Ordered by blockHeight. E.g.

"accountId": "mob.near",
"blockHeight": 78672789,
"value": "test-value-1"
"accountId": "mob.near",
"blockHeight": 78672797,
"value": "test-value-1"
"accountId": "mob.near",
"blockHeight": 78672974,
"value": "test-value-3"


return Social.index("test", "test-key-2");
return Social.index("test", "test-key-2", {
accountId: "mob.near"
return Social.index("test", "test-key-2", {
accountId: ["mob.near", "root.near"]

State APIs

VM provides a convenient API to update the state of the widget. There are two methods:

  • State.init
  • State.update


State.init takes an object as an argument and initializes the state of the widget with this object. It'll be no-op if the state is already initialized.


The State.update will trigger the state update, and the component will be re-rendered. It also has an optional argument, the object that will be added to the state object using Object.assign. The state will be initialized with the given object if it's not initialized yet.

Near APIs

VM provides a convenient API to interact with the NEAR blockchain. There are three methods:

  • Near.view
  • Near.block


Storage object to store data for widgets that is persistent across refreshes. Simulates localStorage access. It has 4 methods:

  • Storage.set(key, value) - sets the public value for a given key under the current widget. The value will be public, so other widgets can read it.
  • Storage.get(key, widgetSrc?) - returns the public value for a given key under the given widgetSrc or the current widget (if widgetSrc is omitted). Can only read public values.
  • Storage.privateSet(key, value) - sets the private value for a given key under the current widget. The value is private, only the current widget can read it. Private and public values can share the same key and don't conflict.
  • Storage.privateGet(key) - returns the private value for a given key under the current widget.


The VM implements caching layer for most network requests. You can leverage it manually by using useCache hook.


The method acts like a hook that takes a promise through a generator function, fetches the data and caches it. The cache is global for the VM, but it's identified by for given widget (by src) for a given dataKey. It can be used to easily use and cache data from async data sources.


  • promiseGenerator - a function that returns a promise, which generates data. Note, you don't return the promise directly, because it should only be fired once.
  • dataKey - the unique name (within the current widget) to identify the data.
  • options - optional argument:
    • subscribe - if true - the data refreshes periodically by invalidating cache.

Returns null if the cache is cold and data is fetching, or the previous cached value while the data is being fetched an d, or the new data if the new promise data is different from the old data.

Note: the data is being cached and compared as JSON serialized objects.

const status = useCache(
() =>
asyncFetch("").then((res) => res.body),
{ subscribe: true }

return status;


fetch is a global function that allows to fetch data from the URL. It acts like a hook. It's a wrapper around the fetch function from the browser behind the caching layer. It's useful for fetching data from the external APIs. It has the similar API as the browser's fetch function, but instead of a promise returns a value. If the data is not cached, it returns null and fetches the data in the background. If the data is cached, it returns the cached value and then revalidates it.

To access promise version, there is a method asyncFetch that returns a promise.